Sunday, September 30, 2012


Iran’s Mullah’s have pushed the civilized world into corners for the last thirty years.  Can this world exist with a nuclear Iran?  If not, then how should the American and Western governments proceed in the face of such obvious belligerence?  The talk from our government and it’s spineless politicians is that there will be no nuclear Iran.  Can we believe them?

The answer to all these questions is a profound no, a nuclear Iran is almost here, and no, our politicians cannot be trusted to prevent it. They constantly maintain that we are caught in a almost impossible dilemma and, therefore, we must tread lightly.  Is this not what our politicians have doing for the last thirty years, treading lightly with verbal threat after verbal threat?  Rightly, we should not be  believed, our governmental leaders can only talk. We need a leader who is not afraid to act to protect our national interest.

What should our plan of action be?  Let me be blunt.

1. No more pointless, expensive land wars that deflate our economy and put Americans in harms way. Instead, we must only utilize rapid deployment forces such as the Navy Seals.
2. Fund our Navy to the max so that we are able to utilize gunboat diplomacy and stand up to the fear merchants.
3. Issue an ultimatum to Iran to stand down their nuclear ambitions or suffer the consequences.
4. Go to war with Iran if they fail to respond positively.
5. Target first the Mullah’s and their political leadership, blow them up into whatever they consider their blessedness.
6. Protect our national interest around the world with our naval carriers and gunboats. There is no respect without fear.

This should be the new diplomatic doctrine in the face of this new world.  Is this policy without risk?  Of course not, but a continued political passivity will unquestionably result in disaster for civilized mankind as well as America.

Landers, Ca


The so called prophet Mohammed was a gigantically influential religious zealot who employed violence in the name of God to further a political agenda. Not much has changed in the last 1500 years since his reign of terror and fear mongering.  The Muslim faith, while intensely meaningful to some, was and is a largely corrupt religion.  Why?  The answer is simple and obvious, they say, believe in our Allah as we do or die! This is not faith in God but faith in the sword.  If one really believes, one would be able to suffer through the slings and arrows of the doubters.  There are Muslims that believe this deeply but they remain silent as the radicals of death corrupt their religion.  This is why the religion as a whole is corrupt.        

Landers, CA

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Playing Nice

Some time ago the our household received a phone call from the principle’s office.  We were informed, “your son has been fighting on the playground and we need to talk”.  The talk involved a lecture about fighting with no concern for the cause which was bullying and the establishment of a schoolyard pecking order.  The school administration was reacting in the same way as the Obama administration in the face of the slaying of four, supposedly diplomatically protected Americans, including our Ambassador to Libya.  The Clinton state department and the President say, “we must take the long view despite the evil intentions and actions of the Muslim Brotherhood”.

A now famous LA video star asked a question from the city courthouse steps,  “can’t we all just get along?” The answer to that question and the continuing dysfunction in the Middle East should be a resounding no, we can't!  Somewhere there has to be an American leader who will admit that politically and religiously motivated humans will never just get along.  There will always be bullies on the school yard playground, eventually we will have to stand up like a man.  Instead, this cow tailing president insists on playing nice with those who wish us and ours dead!

Landers, CA.

Friday, September 7, 2012


The political conventions are over and one reality is very apparent, truth in politics is a scarce commodity.  There are no good guys and bad guys when it comes to the truth, both political parties are liars, willing to say or not to say everything and anything in order to win an election.  Machiavelli in his book, “the Prince”, extolled the supposed virtue of the philosophy that “ the ends justify the means”.  With the end of political power in mind, Democrats and Republicans are performing as royalty, falsely claiming that they know what is best for the people.  Therefore, it is O.K. to be a liar and that is the state of our politics.

Both parties assume that we the voters are easily beguiled by the lie. The Democrats are the most obvious distorters of the truth.  Almost every day their talking points include at least one such lie.  The latest is the chairman of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, accusing the Republicans, particularly conservative evangelicals, of unfaithfulness to the state of Israel and the Jewish cause.  She falsely quoted an Israeli ambassador when speaking at a training session for Florida Democratic election workers.  Her Machiavellian motives are obvious.  This lie follows a long list of lies from Democratic mouthpieces intended to degrade Republicans and Mitt Romney.  Our royal President is slightly more camouflaged when speaking a lie.  His way is to use words like “free enterprise” in his acceptance speech, assuming that the listener will not question whether his policies are friendly to such an environment. This slight of hand was not utilized in his presidential campaign of 08, when he portrayed himself as the centrist Democratic candidate.

One Presidential critique of the Republicans has yet to be explained by Mitt Romney.  Why would America want to return to the policies of the Republican Bush years since those policies gave us such a devastating economic catastrophe?  The Republican silence at this point is a lie.  A lie that must be addressed rationally if Mitt Romney hopes to win election.  Every political observer is aghast at the closeness of the election as forecast by the polls, considering the dismal economic numbers.  The question for the voter is whom shall we trust, a dismal looking economic future with the Democrats or more Republican led criminal economic catastrophes.  It is as if the polls are screaming, how can we trust the Party that won’t come to terms with it’s own past?

At this point, only Mitt Romney can do a meaningful apology to the American voter for past Republican failures, failures that have to be acknowledged and put into truthful context.  He must explain the causes of the catastrophe and name all the responsible parties, both Democrats and Republicans.  Why is it that no one has been prosecuted and sent to jail?  Does anyone really care that the American worker has had to suffer such economic turmoil?  The extremes of both parties have staked out there positions but to influence the middle America voter and win the election, we want to hear the truth from Mitt.

Landers, Ca