Monday, October 26, 2009

Poor Baby II

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press

October 26, 2009

A response to a letter from Judith Grounds of Barstow, California. Her letter to the editor appeared in the Daily Press of October 26, 2009.

Again, one of our sacrificing educational public sector employees has exposed her spoiled, self centered and elitist persona. Judith Grounds “deserves a decent salary and a decent pension
( her words )”, so she states in her letter titled, “It’s Not The Money”. The hypocrisy of that statement is exponential. These teachers live in another universe of unreal expectations and whine when we blue collar, private sector stiffs resent paying her $62,896.20 a year for sitting on her duff in retirement, as long as she may live. Where is the justice?

Most of us have lead fulfilling lives working for much less. We have owned homes, raised families and contributed to going businesses with our blood sweat and tears. We also started businesses that mostly failed but we were always able to manage the vicissitudes of life. Our taxes usually got paid. For most of us, in the best years, our incomes fell very short of Judith Grounds yearly pension. The private sector does not whine, we chose the independent life and we have no regret. We pride ourselves in hard work and not taking a dollar unjustly from anyone who is also in need of a just (decent) income.

Judith Grounds, you have your pension but don’t expect we private sector workers to smile at tax time. Teaching is a noble career but you work no harder than the rest of us. In fact, how was your summer vacation, Judith Grounds?

Victorville CA

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To Whom It May Concern

October 21, 2009

On July 20, while driving on Bear Valley Road, the privilege of experiencing this life in this world ended for Evangelina Niche. Ms. Niche was the victim of a teen driving a suburban which veered unexplainably across the centerline into oncoming traffic and the Niche Honda. This murder by suburban was investigated by the Victorville Sheriff. At first contact the department said wait for the investigation. Upon follow up, the investigation found no overt reason for the “accident”, drugs or alcohol were not involved.

This concerned citizen was informed that the investigation would be sent the District Attorney but that the sheriff would not recommend criminal charges. The Daily Press newspaper has been gravely silent when pressed,although it initially reported the accident.

The issue, of course, is the juvenile status of the perpetrator in the suburban. Everyone is fearful of a lawsuit bases on California juvenile offender law. Justice for Evangelina Niche seems to be the concern of no one. The sheriff’s representative suggested that a solution may be for the family to sue for damages in civil court. How can a dollar value be placed on a human life? This is not justice. This independent concerned citizen would like to make recommendations to the parties of all parts.

To the politicians … change the law. Any youth who is old enough to drive a suburban legally is old enough to have his name associated with any possible accident and stand up to public responsibility just like the rest of us. No back room manipulation of justice should be tolerated by the political system. Evangelina deserves better.

To the Sheriff and the District Attorney… quite hiding behind the law, step out and do justice. Backroom investigations and deal making is child’s play. You are directed by we the public to facilitate justice not political expediency. What if the murderer by suburban was texting while driving? Is this not a criminal action, should he not be tried as a adult? Instead we the public get a grand silence. Evangelina deserves better.

To the Daily Press … who are you? This concerned citizen has written you and called twice about this accident and by your lack of response you have communicated no concern or courtesy. Arrogance seems to be your rapport with we the public and co-incidentally your subscribers. The article in today’s paper about teen texting, if connected to the accident, would be a grand cop out on your part. Do you wield the gavel of justice or are you a facilitator like the rest of us? Evangelina deserves better.

To the family of Ms. Niche… let this concerned citizen express the condolences of your community for the tragedy on Bear Valley Road that took the life of your family member. As the greater community, we share in your sorrow for the event which could have traumatized any of our families. Should you find the strength, going public at the appropriate time would enhance healing for us all. We should be a party to all the facts so that justice can be served. Evangelina deserves better.

To the unnamed teen driver … man up! For some unexplainable circumstance, you have taken another human life, a life that was of equal value to yours. If you play your cards right, criminal responsibility may be avoided but you shall always live with the death sentence imposed upon Ms. Niche. For your own sake, own up to that responsibility and be a party to greater healing for the community as a whole. A sincere public apology would do wonders, for we are all prone to err. Evangelina deserves the best.

Victorville, CA