Saturday, March 8, 2025


Eternity should properly be called the Mix. Defined as a grotesque melting pot that the God of eternity is forever stirring toward unity. We humans come into this world by a process of dispersion or scattering, our only choice is to explore or search out our earthly place. All of life in our world is a grand dispersion or scattering.

Eternity is the reverse of scattering. Eternity is a grand coming together in the Mix.  

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Death is a turning of the page. Every sinew of my being says there is a God of the next page, there has to be such a joyful place for joy is such a rare earth mineral, here and there but never for very long. Life is about competition yet life has to be more than just scratching at the earth for a place in the sun. Life has to be more than heredity, gene pools and the like. There has to be more.

We arrive with nothing; we are deserving of nothing and when our page turns, all of us are nothing or we gain everything. The game does not end on the fifty-yard line, it is all or nothing. There can be no half way God. Thusly I believe or more correctly hope. A hope is far beyond wishful thinking, hope is more of an earned expectation after much searching. This is the universal constant in our earthly life equation.  

When and if the competitive fires have gone out and the dreams are no more, we alone await the turning of the page. Wait one minute, some of us scream, that may be the alive definition that some of us live out but the turning of the page more likely is a wrecking ball that intrudes into the world of this competitor. Death is an enemy, a robber that prowls the night, there are dreams yet to be lived. What say you?    

Life is not about justice or fairness, only the fight is guaranteed to us in our world, nothing more. Winning or losing is not the life barometer, the only barometer that makes us alive is our competitive life fight, win or lose.  One round or ten rounds, opportunities missed, roads not traveled, applause or condemnation, they all are of little consequence. 

The more has to be so much bigger.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.




Monday, February 17, 2025


Charles Darwin, among others, was born on February 12, in the year 1809. Two hundred and sixteen years later, our Christian God thinkers have failed to take into account our world as it actually exists. As a result, they have tried to keep God believers in the story time caves of ancient thought.

One hundred years after Darwin published his book, “On the Origin of Species” (1859), most of our world had agreed with Darwin. Even the God believers in the pew have awakened to the new science reality as the turmoil caused by this publication began to subsided. The caves have become increasingly irrelevant to the people, we have to live in our now world.

The Christian God thinkers, regrettably, are a cave dwelling Church protected class. Some God thinkers in the last fifty years have tried to sound hip to Darwin but I have yet to read a plausible, consistent and scientifically relevant God understanding that fits our world. Please, just give me a name of one such authority, While I await the flood of responses, I shall continue.

The authorized Christian God thinking cave dwellers have a problem. They say, how can we speak to the people in a manner that is relevant to modern science, particularly Darwin, and at the same time remain glued to the historical doctrinal statements of the faith and the Christian Church? This Church has demanded for thousands of years conformity to the creedal statements as it labels all dissenters heretics and deserving of impoverishment if not burning at the stake.

Who can blame anyone with skin in the game for not bucking the religious system or systems? Not I but maybe this is why God has consistently picked on the nobodies of this world to breed correction. We nobodies have nothing to lose. The correction at issue is twofold, Jesus was the best nobody to have lived among us and he selflessly lived out his God given message. Second, our history as humans is of this world not the story telling improvised genealogy of the Genesis account. This is very simple and direct but the sparks will fly.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.    



Saturday, February 15, 2025


There is nothing more beautiful than a woman in labor or a woman who yields life leadership to a man while ignoring her own superior abilities.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca. 


Thursday, February 13, 2025


Sin is an earthbound fog. The fog limits our vision and awareness of consequences. Sin is an atmospheric condition similar to that of any other. Sin can be seasonal or doggedly routine. Sin can be geographically located or burned off by the sun. Sin is arrogance.  What sin is not, as some make the biblical story time of the Garden of Eden to say, is an unavoidable God ordered natural human condition. Sin is an atmospheric condition.  Our world was created with the possibility of living and dealing with the arrogant fog or the choice of seeking clear skies. That was the choice given to every human as represented by the tree in the midst of the Garden of Eden. What the tree or the fog is not, is our natural human God ordered and intended destiny.

Life therefore becomes a test, a choice, that choice will reverberate into eternity. Jesus chose to walk into his God intended destiny, the humble way. When Mahatma Ghandi was invited into an unfamiliar home during his many travels, he would first go to the bathroom of that home and clean the toilet. In so doing, this saint was making practical the belief that the arrogant fog, for him, had long gone. Cleaning toilets was his way of staying out of the arrogant fog. Now that is a test.

G. Goslaw

Landers, ca.   


Saturday, February 8, 2025


Anyone who has read a few pages of our human history knows that three things define who we are as humans. We like our sex. We like to kill each other and we like to party. Jesus also was a party animal. Jesus screamed to his world of Palestine 2000 years ago, “hey, guy’s there is a party going on”. Drop the swords and the one upmanship and follow me to the party of all parties. The tables are set and the celebration is already happening in eternity.  The only question to be answered there, in eternity, is the seating arrangement, who shall be closest to the action at the head table?  

We shall be eternally thankful that God will decide that one but for Jesus, the seating arrangement will be about one choice we make in this life of ours. Are we satisfied to chase after the temporary big three or do we chase after the forever God. The God that cannot be defined in this world, the absentee God who beckons to every human ear.

Party on friend!

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Common Sense God

 1.   One God

 2.  One God for All of us.

 3.  One God who ever rewards the seeker of God joy.  

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca