Monday, October 14, 2024


The only, the real or the actual God is the hidden God among us. The hoped for God of every religious expression, the God out there, somewhere, enthroned in the heavens, timelessly pulling strings in every world, is a horrible historical excuse for God thinking. This is the Sunday School God; the God target of Plato and four thousand years of the great minds in search of understanding. All such intellectualizing or believism about God has proven to be pointless and has taken us nowhere when the God search is simply about listening. Listening to the point of experiencing a walk with the hidden God among us.

G. Goslaw

landers, Ca. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024


The only racists left in America are the black ones who are being lead by the racist in chief, Barack Obama.  gg

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


God, as the giver of personal freedom to all of us in our moment, must, therefore, have a reunion (salvation) awaiting all of us in eternity. Two plus two equals four.  Our good God would not burden all of us with all the negativity (evil) of freedom, if God did not also have a blanket cure. We all matter to God.  Any other understanding is only divisive religion. 

In our moment, in this moment, our world is organized to convince and direct us to the God appointed freedom path or way for which we all urn, whether or not we acknowledge this urning.  We are free now to search it out. We are free to be all that we can be.

To all of us who have freely chosen another path, sooner or later, you will volunteer.  The God who accepts us all is a good God. gg

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.  

Monday, October 7, 2024


God as the giver of freedom for all of us, in our moment, must, therefore, have a reunion/union awaiting all of us in eternity. No freedom means no evil and no eternity for any of us. God's long term inclusive plan operates in an earthly atmosphere of freedom to say yes or no to God.  God rejoices in the yes decisions, the volunteers, and God can handle rejection without threats of eternal punishment. However, such rejection means that we miss out on the true joy of earth bound life, the acceptance of God that all of us are born to experience. 

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.  

Friday, October 4, 2024


America is a field of useful idiots or the Obama, Biden, Harris Democrats are skewing the poles as they have skewed everything else.  After the last four years, how can America still be half sane and half crazy?  How can anyone vote for more of the same?  How can this election come down to a few thousand votes in the swing states?  We are the ugly, spoiled and selfish Americans who deserve to suffer the inevitable consequences of our possible choice for endless chaos.

Some of us may assume that some of us are somehow insulated from the chaos. Should the radical left win this election, no insulation will protect anyone for the leftist pollical elites have no friends, just temporary useful idiots. 

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.  



I don’t have to be nice.  I have no reputation to protect.  I say, all the God thinkers, including most of the supposedly great ones, if they are humankind condemners with a cosmic disciplinarian concept of the divine, they are profound fools.  God is bigger than their evil ways. 

Worse yet, they are the most useful as demonic weaponry, scattering more people and their spiritual potential than those they dupe. 

God is asking for free will volunteers, that is all.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.   

Monday, September 30, 2024

No Go

Process theology is sterile thinking. While much of what is said, needs to be said as opposed to classical theism, the full end of this thinking seems to be “me is God”.  It seems to be a human centered philosophical theology as clearly stated in Appendix A, “Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition”, by John B. Cobb Jr. and David Ray Griffin. The authors remark that all theology is also philosophy, therefore, we thinkers should think “rightly”.  Maybe so but sterile thinking is a no go.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca